WeIrd science lab

Weird Science Lab’s mission is to revolutionise STEM education through virtual and augmented reality by adapting existing commercial technologies.

Weird Science Lab was born and incubated at Oxford Innovation, the wholly owned technology commercialisation subsidiary of the University of Oxford. The company also has research and development facilities at Harvard/MIT.  

WSL is a University of Oxford Edutech spinout company. Its mandate is to free the 21st-century intellectual property of Oxford University from the 15th-century shackles of the Gutenberg printing press. Its first project in expressing this mandate is to adapt advanced virtual reality technology to revolutionize Oxford’s traditional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) curriculum for secondary and higher education in both the developed and emerging regions. To achieve this, WLS partners with businesses, educational institutions and other stakeholders to adapt existing commercial VR technologies to the educational needs of today’s students.

Furthermore, given WSL’s commitment to the future of education, our dedication to sustainable development remains at the heart of our operations. From impact investing to social innovation, WSL explores multiple projects across economics, management, and education, all under the notion of doing well, whilst doing good.